2025 FRST Monthly Meetings
How Reliably Can We Estimate Soil Test Values at Different Depths? (FRST Funded)
by Steve Culman, Central Oregon Agriculture Research and Extension Center, Oregon State University
Refining Phosphorus Fertility Recommendations for Corn Production in Colorado (OCPNA Funded)
by Joshua D. Mott, Grace L. Miner, and Peter J.A. Kleinman, USDA-ARS
University of Idaho Phosphorus and Potassium Response Trials (FRST and OCPNA Funded)
by Jared Spackman, University of Idaho
2024 FRST Monthly Meetings
FRST Minnesota Project Update (FRST Funded)
by Daniel Kaiser, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Long-term Comparison of Targeted Soil Test P Values and Crop Removal-based Fertilization Strategies in Corn
by Javed Iqbal, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
FRST Report from Mississippi State University for 2023 (FRST and OCPNA Funded)
by Vaughn Reed, Mississippi State University
Phosphorus Applications for Soybean Production in Missouri – 2023 Field Trial Update (FRST Funded)
by Gurpreet Kaur, University of Missouri
2023 Tennessee P and K Fertility Trials (FRST and OCPNA Funded)
by Nutifafa Adotey, University of Tennessee
Fine-Tunning Potassium Recommendations for Cotton in Arkansas (FRST Funded)
by Gerson L. Drescher, University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture
Critical Soil Test Values of Phosphorus and Potassium for Corn and Soybean in North Carolina (FRST Funded)
by Luke Gatiboni, NC State University
Global Assessment of Potassium Limitation to Crop Yields
by Walter Carciochi, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln
Assessment of Bahia grass Forage Yield and Nutrient Uptake Response to Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilization (FRST Funded)
by Bronc Finch, Extension Soil Fertility, Univ. of Arkansas
Improving K Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn on the Delmarva Peninsula and Coastal Plain of Virginia (FRST Funded)
by Mark Reiter, Eastern Shore AREC, Virginia Tech
2023 FRST Field Trial Update – Wisconsin (FRST Funded)
by John Jones, Department of Soil Science, UW-Madison
On-farm Evaluation of Cotton Potassium Recommendations in South Carolina (FRST Funded)
by Bhupinder Farmaha, Department of Plant & Environmental Sciences, Clemson University
2023 FRST Monthly Meetings
Probability of crop response to P and K fertilizer in Ohio (FRST Funded)
by Steve Culman, Anthony Fulford, Greg LaBarge, Harold Watters, Laura Lindsey, Anne Dorrance, and Leonardo Deiss
Reevaluating Soil-Test-Based Phosphorus and Potassium Recommendations for Soybean (FRST Funded)
by Muhammad Rasel Parvej, Louisiana State University AgCenter
2021 FRST-Funded Field Trials
Penn State University – 2021 Soybean P and K Response Trials
by Charlie White, Hanna Wells, and John Spargo, Penn State University
Brachiaria decumbens Response to Fertilizer-P in an Ultisol
by David Sotomayor-Ramírez and Kimbery Araya, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez
Improving K Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn on the Delmarva Peninsula
by Amy L. Shober and Jarrod O. Miller, University of Delaware, and Nicole Fiorellino, University of Maryland College Park
Evaluation of the Interaction between Potassium and Nitrogen in Corn
by Nutifafa Adotey, Robert Florence, Angela McClure, Ryan Blaire, Forbes Walker, and Sindhu Jagadamma, University of Tennessee
State-Level FRST Soil Test and Calibration Trials: Views from Utah
by Matt Yost, Megan Baker, Mike Pace, Randall Violett, and Steven Price, Utah State University
2021 Minnesota and Iowa K Research Report
by Robert Miller, Colorado State University
Phosphorus on Potato in the Pacific Northwest
by Bryan Hopkins, Brigham Young University
Corn K Research in South Dakota
by Jason Clark, South Dakota State University
On-farm Evaluation of Cotton Potassium Recommendations in South Carolina
by Bhupinder Singh Farmaha, Clemson University
May Webinar
Current Status of US Soil Test Phosphorus & Potassium Recommendations & Analytical Methods
by John Spargo
Summer Meeting, Bloomington, IL
Soil Test Correlation & Calibration: Why It’s Important
by Nathan Slaton
July Webinar
Sneak Preview: Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool (FRST)
by Greg Buol
June Webinar
FRST – Soil Depth Study Analysis
by Steve Culman
May Webinar
Monitoring Soybean Potassium Nutrition & Response to In-Season Applied Granular Fertilizer / Potassium Timing
by Nathan Slaton
Winter Meeting, West Lafayette, IN
Modernizing Fertilizer Recommendations: The Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool (FRST)
by Sarah Lyons
Meetings & Seminars
SSP-11 Annual Meeting, Bloomington, MN
Seeds of NRSP 11: An origin story for FRST
by John Spargo
National Database and Archived Data Review and Summary by Regions, Crops, and Nutrients
by Nathan Slaton
FRST Minimum Dataset: Survey Results
by Deanna Osmond
Sulfur FRST Committee Updates
by Matt Yost
The Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool (FRST) Overview: A Living Project
by Deanna Osmond and Greg Buol
FRST Lime Project Update
by Robert Miller
ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD
Building Collaborative Research Networks to Advance the Science of Soil Fertility
by Deanna Osmond
Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management: The Importance of Data Sharing and Publication
by Sarah Lyons
Soil Test Correlation and the Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool
by Austin Pearce & Nathan Slaton
ALTA Lab Workshop, Des Moines, IA
FRST Lime Project Overview
by Robert Miller
NRCS Conservation Innovation Grants Seminar
Water Quality – The Importance of Working Together: The Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool (FRST)
by Deanna Osmond
(viewing requires brief registration)
NCSU Crop and Soil Sciences Seminar
Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool (FRST): Soil Test Correlation
by Austin Pearce
NCSU Crop and Soil Sciences Seminar
Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool (FRST): Building a Database for both Legacy and Future Data
by Sarah Lyons
Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool (FRST): The Power of Working Together
by Deanna Osmond
ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT
Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool (FRST): An Overview
by Deanna Osmond
Development of Minimum Dataset for Soil Test Correlation and Calibration
by Nathan Slaton
How to Develop a Database for Both Legacy and Current Data: Experiences from FRST
by Sarah Lyons
Publishing Raw Data: How It Helps You, Others and Science and How to Do It
by Sylvie Brouder
Relative Yield: The Importance of Definitions and FRST
by Austin Pearce
State-Level FRST Soil Test Correlation and Calibration Trials: View from Utah
by Matt Yost
InfoAg Virtual Meeting
FRST: Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool
by Deanna Osmond
ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Virtual Meeting
Advancing Soil-Test Correlation and Calibration Research with a Minimum Data Set
by Nathan Slaton
Survey of Land-Grant University Soil Test Recommendations and Analytical Methodology
by John Spargo
Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool (FRST) Legacy Data and Database Update
by Sarah Lyons
ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX
Symposium — Modernization of Soil Testing Recommendations: The Problem
Symposium — Modernization of Soil Testing Recommendations: Current Efforts