Last | First | Institution | Title | State | |
Adamson | Daniel | University of Wyoming | PhD Student, Nutrient Management | dadamso2@uwyo.edu | WY |
Adotey | Nutifafa | University of Tennessee | Assistant Professor and Soil and Nutrient Management Specialist | nadotey@utk.edu | TN |
Ahmad | Uzair | University of Arkansas | Postdoctoral Research Scholar | uzaira@uark.edu | AR |
Alford | Shannon | Clemson University | Director Agricultural Service Laboratory | sralfor@clemson.edu | SC |
Arnall | Brian | Oklahoma State University | Professor | b.arnall@okstate.edu | OK |
Ashford-Kornburger | Dana | USDA-NRCS | National Climate Coordinator | dana.ashford@usda.gov | DC |
Bolster | Carl | USDA-ARS | Research Hydrologist | carl.bolster@usda.gov | KY |
Brouder | Sylvie | Purdue University | Professor of Agronomy | sbrouder@purdue.edu | IN |
Bruulsema | Tom | Plant Nutrition Canada | Chief Scientist | tom.bruulsema@plantnutrition.ca | Canada |
Buol | Greg | North Carolina State University | Tech App Analyst | greg_buol@ncsu.edu | NC |
Cabrera | Miguel | University of Georgia | Professor Soil Science | mcabrera@uga.edu | GA |
Carrijo | Daniela | Penn State University | Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, Grain Crop Production | daniela.carrijo@psu.edu | PA |
Ciampitti | Ignacio | Kansas State University | Professor | ciampitti@ksu.edu | KS |
Clark | Jason | South Dakota State Univeristy | Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist | Jason.D.Clark@sdstate.edu | SD |
Correndo | Adrian | University of Guelph | Assistant Professor, Pick Family Research Chair in Sustainable Cropping Systems, Department of Plant Agriculture | acorrend@uoguelph.ca | Canada |
Culman | Steve | Washington State University | Associate Professor | Steven.culman@wsu.edu | WA |
Deiss | Leo | Ohio State University | Visiting Assistant Professor | deiss.8@osu.edu | OH |
Dhillon | Jagman | Mississippi State University | Assistant Professor of Agronomy | jsd369@msstate.edu | MS |
Drescher | Gerson | University of Arkansas | Postdoctoral Research Scholar | gldresch@uark.edu | AR |
Farmaha | Bhupinder | Clemson University | Associate Professor Nutrient Management Specialist Agronomic Crops | bfarmah@clemson.edu | SC |
Faulkner | Joshua | University of Vermont | Research Assistant Professor and Farming and Climate Change Program Coordinator | joshua.faulkner@uvm.edu | VT |
Fernandez | Fabian | University of Minnesota | Professor | fabiangf@umn.edu | MN |
Finch | Bronc | University of Arkansas | Soil Fertility Extension Specialist | bfinch@uada.edu | AR |
Florence | Robert | University of Tennessee | Lab Director | rfloren2@utk.edu | TN |
Flynn | Robert | New Mexico State Univeristy | Interim Superintendent/Extension Agronomist | rflynn@nmsu.edu | NM |
Gan | Huijie | Virginia Tech University | Assistant Professor | huijiegan@vt.edu | VA |
Gatiboni | Luke | North Carolina State University | Associate Professor and Extension Specialist Soil Fertility | luke_gatiboni@ncsu.edu | NC |
Geisseler | Daniel | University of California, Davis | Assistant Specialist | djgeisseler@ucdavis.edu | CA |
Grove | John | University of Kentucky | Professor | jgrove@uky.edu | KY |
Hardy | David | NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services | Director Soil Testing Lab | david.hardy@ncagr.gov | NC |
Harmel | Darren | USDA-ARS | Center Director | daren.harmel@usda.gov | CO |
Heckman | Joseph | Rutgers University | Professor of Soil Science | jheckman@njaes.rutgers.edu | NJ |
Hopkins | Bryan | Brigham Young University | Professor | hopkins@byu.edu | UT |
Ippolito | Jim | Ohio State University and Colorado State University (Emeritus) | Professor Soil Health | ippolito.38@osu.edu | OH |
Iqbal | Javed | University of Nebraska | Assistant Professor | javed.iqbal@unl.edu | NE |
Jagadamma | Sindhu | University of Tennessee | Assistant Professor Biosystems Engineering and Soil Sciences | sjagada1@utk.edu | TN |
Joern | Brad | Precicsion Planting | Agronomist, Soil Scientist | bjoern@precisionplanting.com | IL |
Jones | Clain | Montana State University | Professor Soil Fertility | clainj@montana.edu | MT |
Jones | John | University of Wisconsin | Researcher III - Soil Fertility/Nutrient Management | jjones58@wisc.edu | WI |
Kaiser | Daniel | University of Minnesota | Associate Professor of Crops and Nutrient Management | dekaiser@umn.edu | MN |
Kaur | Gurpreet | University of Missouri | Assistant Research Professor | gk478@missouri.edu | MO |
Ketterings | Quirine | Cornell University | Professor | qmk2@cornell.edu | NY |
Kim | Gene | USDA-NRCS | National Water Quality Specialist/Aquatic Ecologist | gene.w.kim@usda.gov | DC |
Kissel | David | University of Georgia | Professor Emeritus | dkissel@uga.edu | GA |
Kleinman | Peter | USDA-ARS | Research Leader of the Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit | peter.kleinman@usda.gov | CO |
Kovar | John | USDA-ARS | Research Soil Scientist | john.kovar@usda.gov | IA |
LaBarge | Greg | Ohio State University | Professor, Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems Department of Extension | labarge.1@osu.edu | OH |
LaHue | Gabe | Washington State University | Clinical/Research Assistant Professor of Soil Science | gabriel.lahue@wsu.edu | WA |
Lessl | Jay | University of Georgia | Program Coordinator Agricultural & Environmental Services Lab | jlessl@uga.edu | GA |
Lyons | Sarah | FFAR | Scientific Project Manager | slyons@foundationfar.org | DC |
Maguire | Rory | Virginia Tech University | Professor | rmaguire@vt.edu | VA |
Mallarino | Antonio | Iowa State University | Professor of Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management | apmallar@iastate.edu | IA |
Margenot | Andrew | University of Illinois, Urgana-Champaign | Assistant Professor | margenot@illinois.edu | IL |
Matcham | Emma | University of Florida | Assistant Professor of Agronomy | eg.matcham@ufl.edu | FL |
Mathur | Renuka | University of New Hampshire | Soil Health State Extension Specialist | Renuka.Mathur@unh.edu | NH |
McDaniel | Marshall | Iowa State University | Assistant Professor | marsh@iastate.edu | IA |
McGrath | Josh | USDA-ARS | National Program Leader, Soil Processes | Joshua.McGrath@usda.gov | MD |
Miguez | Fernando | Iowa State University | Associate Professor Agronomy | femiguez@iastate.edu | IA |
Miller | Robert | Agricultural Laboratory Proficiency Program | Technical Director | Robert.Miller@CTS-interlab.com | CO |
Miner | Grace | USDA-ARS | Research Soil Scientist | grace.miner@usda.gov | CO |
Moore | Amber | Oregon State University | Assistant Professor and Soil Fertility Specialist | amber.moore@oregonstate.edu | OR |
Mostafa | Ayman | University of Arizona | Interim Director Maricopa County | ayman@cals.arizona.edu | AZ |
Mowrer | Jake | Texas A&M University | Extension Associate Professor Soil Nutrient & Water Resource Management | jake.mowrer@tamu.edu | TX |
Murphy | Stephanie | Rutgers University | Director. Soil Testing Laboratory | slmurphy@njaes.rutgers.edu | NJ |
Mylavarapu | Rao | University of Florida | Professor of Soil and Nutrient Management, | raom@ufl.edu | FL |
Nelson | Kelly | University of Missouri | Professor, Plant Sciences | NelsonKe@missouri.edu | MO |
Nelson | Nathan | Kansas State University | Professor of Soil and Nutrient Management | nonelson@ksu.edu | KS |
Nigon | Leanna | The Fertilizer Institute | Director of Agronomy | lnigon@tfi.org | |
Osmond | Deanna | North Carolina State University | Professor and Extension Specialist | deanna_osmond@ncsu.edu | NC |
Parvej | Rasel | Louisiana State University | Assistant Professor | MRParvej@agcenter.lsu.edu | LA |
Pearce | Austin | FRST | Former Postdoctoral Research Scholar | awpearc2@ncsu.edu | NC |
Pena-Yewtukhiw | Eugenia | West Virginia University | Associate Professor of Soil Science | Eugenia.Pena-yewtukhiw@mail.wvu.ed | WV |
Pilkowski | Tim | USDA-NRCS | National Nutrient Management Specialist | tim.pilkowski@usda.gov | |
Prasad | Rishi | Auburn University | Extension Specialist & Associate Professor | rzp0050@auburn.edu | AL |
Provin | Tony | Texas A&M University | Professor and Extension Specialist | t-provin@tamu.edu | TX |
Rakkar | Manbir | Ohio State University | Assistant Professor | rakkar.4@osu.edu | OH |
Reed | Vaughn | Mississippi State University | Assistant Professor of Soil Fertility | vr401@msstate.edu | MS |
Reiter | Mark | Virginia Tech | Associate Professor Soils and Nutrient Management | mreiter@vt.edu | VA |
Ritchey | Edwin | University of Kentucky | Associate Extension Specialist | edwin.ritchey@uky.edu | KY |
Ruark | Matthew | University of Wisconsin | Professor Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management | mdruark@wisc.edu | WI |
Ruiz Diaz | Dorivar | Kansas State University | Professor of Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management | ruizdiaz@ksu.edu | KS |
Sadeghpour | Amir | Southern Illinois University | Associate Professor Plant, Soil and Agricultural Systems | amir.sadeghpour@siu.edu | IL |
Sawyer | Dustin | Rock River Labs | Lab Director Rock River Lab, Research Fellow, Barak Lab Univ WI | dustin_sawyer@rockriverlab.com | Wi |
Schroeder | Kurt | University of Idaho | Associate Professor & Extension Specialist | kschroeder@uidaho.edu | ID |
Sharma | Lakesh | University of Florida | Assistant Professor Soil Fertility and Sustainable Agriculture | amir.sadeghpour@siu.edu">amir.sadeghpour@siu.edu | FL |
Shober | Amy | University of Delaware | Professor and Extension Specialist | ashober@udel.edu | DE |
Sikora | Frank | University of Kentucky | Adjunct Associate Professor Director of Laboratories and Soils Program | frank.sikora@uky.edu | KY |
Singh | Gurbir | University of Missouri | Assistant Professor | singhgu@missouri.edu | MO |
Singh | Hardeep | University of Florida | Assistant Professor, Cropping Systems Specialist | hardeep.singh1@ufl.edu | FL |
Sintim | Henry | University of Georgia | Assistant Professor | hsintim@uga.edu | GA |
Slaton | Nathan | University of Arkansas | Director Experiment Station | nslaton@uark.edu | AR |
Solomon | Juan | University of Nevada, Reno | Associate Professor | juansolomon@unr.edu | NV |
Sotomayor | David | University of Puerto Rico | Professor | david.sotomayor@upr.edu | Puerto Rico |
Souza | Joao | Montana State University | Assistant Professor | joao.souza@montana.edu | MT |
Spackman | Jared | University of Idaho | Assistant Professor Barley Agronomy Research and Extension Specialist | jspackman@uidaho.edu | ID |
Spargo | John | Penn State University | Director Agricultural Analytical Services Lab | jts29@psu.edu | PA |
Spencer | Carissa | USDA-FSA | National Natural Resources Specialist | carissa.spencer@usda.gov | MN |
Steinke | Kurt | Michigan State University | Associate Professor & Extension Soil Scientist | ksteinke@msu.edu | MI |
Tao | Haiying | University of Connecticut | Assistant Professor of Soil Nutrient Management and Soil Health, Plant Science and Landscape Architecture | haiying.tao@uconn.edu | CT |
Tarkalson | David | USDA-ARS | Research Soil Scientist | david.tarkalson@usda.gov | ID |
Trujillo | Willma | Colorado State University | Soil, Water, and Plant Testing Lab Director | Wilma.Trujillo@colostate.edu | CO |
Tsegaye | Teferi | USDA-ARS | National Program Leader Natural Resources and Sustainable Agricultural Systems | teferi.tsegaye@usda.gov | MD |
Volenec | Jeff | Purdue University | Professor of Agronomy | jvolenec@purdue.edu | IN |
Walker | Forbes | University of Tennessee | Associate Professor Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science | frwalker@utk.edu | TN |
Wang | Jim | Louisiana State University | Professor | JJWang@agcenter.lsu.edu | LA |
White | Charlie | Penn State University | Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist | cmw29@psu.edu | PA |
Wood | Stephen | The Nature Conservancy | Senior Scientist for Agriculture & Food Systems | stephen.wood@tnc.org | |
Yin | Frank | University of Tennessee | Associate Professor Agronomy | xyin2@utk.edu | TN |
Yost | Matt | Utah State University | Assistant Professor of Agriculture | matt.yost@usu.edu | UT |