FRST Activities

Modernizing Fertilizer Recommendations: Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool (FRST)
An overview of what the FRST project is, its various phases, and who is involved

National Soil Fertility Survey
A Survey to Evaluate the Current Status of Land Grant University and State Department of Agriculture Soil Fertility Recommendations and Analytical Methods

FRST Legacy Database
Legacy Database Development

Minimum Dataset
Minimum Dataset and Metadata Guidelines for Soil-test Correlation and Calibration Research

Relative Yield
Defining a relative yield calculation for FRST

Critical Soil Test Value
Defining the Correlation Model for the Fertilizer Recommendation Tool (FRST) to Identify a Critical Soil Test Value

National Lime Rate Survey
Survey to determine the methods used to measure soil pH and lime requirements in the United States and Puerto Rico.

FRST Soil Test Database
Relational Database for Preserving Soil Test Correlation and Calibration Data

Soil Test Decision Aid
Decision Aid for Soil Test P and K Interpretation

FRST Legacy Data Collection Guide

The following guides provides collaborators with instructions for submitting quality data from past research on crop response to fertilizers.

FRST Legacy Data Collection Guide (P and K)

FRST Legacy Data Collection Guide (S)

Submitting Data to FRST

The FRST Data Submission template was developed for submitting data to the FRST National Soil Test Correlation and Calibration Database to facilitate adherence to the published minimum dataset and metadata guidelines.  We encourage anyone collecting soil test correlation and calibration data to use this template.

FRST Data Submission Template

Submitting Data to Ag Data Commons

USDA Ag Data Commons Website
Ag Data Commons Data Submission – Information needed for data submission to the National Agricultural Library.

FRST Submissions

  • Spargo, J. T., Lyons, S. E., Clark, J. D., Osmond, D. L., Parvej, R. Md., Pearce, A. W., Slaton, N. A., Saffire, D., Alford, S., Allen, T., Arnall, B., Buob, T., Camberato, J. J., Cardon, G., Culman, S, W., Davenport, J. R., Fernandez, F. G., Florence, R., Flynn, R., Franzen, D., Geisseler, D., Grove, J., Hardy, D., Heckman, J., Hopkins, B., Hoskins, B., Hue, N. V., Huluka, G., Jones, C., Jones, K., Kaiser, D. E., Kalmbach, B., Ketterings, Q. M., Laboski, C. A. M., Lessl, J., Lucas, E., Maguire, R., Mahler, R., Mallerino, A., Margenot, A., McGrath, J. M., Miller, R., Moore, A. D., Morris, T. F., Mylavarapu, R., Nathan, M., Nelson, N. O., Norton, J., Pena-Yewtukhiw, E., Pettinelli, D., Provin, T., Radin, A., Ross, D., Saunders, O., Self, J., Shober, A. L., Sonon, L., Sotomayor, D. R., Stammer, A., Steinke, K., Toor, G., Walworth, J., Wang, J. J., Wortmann, C., & Zhang, H. (2022). A survey to evaluate the current status of land grant university and state department of agriculture soil fertility recommendations and analytical methods. Ag Data Commons.

FRST Facilitated Submissions

  • Jagadamma, S., & Savoy, H. J. (2020). Comparison of four extractants used in soil phosphorus and potassium testing for two soils in a corn-wheat-soybean rotation in Tennessee receiving various amounts of P and K fertilizer. Ag Data Commons.
  • Rogers, C. W., Dari, B., & Liang, X. (2022). Plant, grain, and soil response of irrigated malt barley as affected by cultivar, phosphorus, and sulfur applications on an alkaline soil. Ag Data Commons
  • Slaton, N. A., Pearce, A. W., Lyons, S. E., Drescher, G. L., & Smartt, A. D. (2022). Soybean Yield Response to Fertilizer-Phosphorus Rate on Soils having different Mehlich-3 Phosphorus Values in Arkansas. Ag Data Commons.
  • Sotomayor, D. R., & Araya, K. (2021). Improved Tropical Forage Fertilizer-P Calibration: In support of FRST to conduct state-level soil-fertility correlation and calibration trials for P and/or K. Ag Data Commons.


  • Slaton, N, A. Pearce, L. Gatiboni, D. Osmond, C. Bolster, F. Miguez, J. Dhillon, B. Farmaha, D. Kaiser, A. Margenot, A. Moore, D. Ruiz-Diaz, D. Sotomayor, J. Spackman, J. Spargo, and M. Yost. 2024. Models and sufficiency interpretation for estimating critical soil test values for the Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool. Soil Science Society of America Journal.
  • Lyons, S. E., Clark, J. D., Osmond, D. L., Parvej, M. R., Pearce, A. W., Slaton, N. A., & Spargo, T. S. (2023). Current status of US soil test phosphorus and potassium recommendations and analytical methods. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 87, 985-998.
  • Bolster, C. H., Correndo, A. A., Pearce, A. W., Spargo, J. T., Slaton, N. A., & Osmond, D. L. (2022). A spreadsheet for determining critical soil test values using the modified arcsine-log calibration curve. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 87, 182-189.
  • Pearce, A. W., Slaton, N. A., Lyons, S. E., Bolster, C. H., Bruulsema, T. W., Grove, J. H., Jones, J. D., McGrath, J. M., Miguez, F. E., Nelson, N. O., Osmond, D. L., Parvej, M. R., Pena-Yewtukhiw, E. M. & Spargo, J. T. (2022), Defining relative yield for soil test correlation and calibration trials in the fertilizer recommendation support tool. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 86, 1338-1353.
  • Lyons, S. E., Arthur, D. K., Slaton, N. A., Pearce, A. W., Spargo, J. T., Osmond, D. L., & Kleinman, P. J. A. (2021). Development of a soil test correlation and calibration database for the USA. Agricultural & Environmental Letters, 6.
  • Slaton, N. A., Lyons, S. E., Osmond, D. L., Brouder, S. M., Culman, S. W., Drescher, G., Gatiboni, L. C., Hoben, J., Kleinman, P. J. A., McGrath, J. M., Miller, R. O., Pearce, A., Shober, A. L., Spargo, J. T., & Volenec, J. J. (2022). Minimum dataset and metadata guidelines for soil-test correlation and calibration research. Soil Science Society of America Journal86, 19– 33.
  • Zhang, H, Antonangelo, J, Grove, J, Osmond, D, Slaton, N A, Alford, S, Florence, R, Huluka, G, Hardy, D H, Lessl, J, Maguire, R, Mylavarapu, R, Oldham, J L, Pena-Yewtukhiw, E M, Provin, T, Sonon, L, Sotomayor, D, Wang, J. (2021). Variation in soil-test-based phosphorus and potassium rate recommendations across the southern USA. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 85, 975−988.
  • Lyons, S. E., Osmond, D. L., Slaton, N. A., Spargo, J. T., Kleinman, P. J. A., Arthur, D. K., & McGrath, J. M. (2020). FRST: A national soil testing database to improve fertility recommendations. Agricultural & Environmental Letters, 5.